Debunking 5 Myths About Going To The Chiropractor

January 13, 2023

Chiropractic treatment can sometimes be a controversial topic because of myths and misinformation that well-meaning people may unintentionally be spreading. This can keep people from going to the chiropractor when they could really benefit from it, so we’ve debunked 5 of the most common myths below.

Myth #1: Adjustments “crack your bones.”

You may feel a little bit like a roll of bubble wrap while you’re on the table, but the “pop” or “crack” you hear just means the adjustment is doing what it needs to do! When the two opposing surfaces that form the joint get stuck, they suction together in a way that can cause tension or discomfort. When the joint suction is corrected by a chiropractor, it causes a popping sound as the air pressure is released. So, while it may be a little shocking to hear such a sound, it’s a good thing!

Myth #2: Once you start, you’ll need to plan on going to the chiropractor forever.

Of course, you are free to go to the chiropractor for adjustments for as long as you’d like. Most treatment plans, however, will only take time out of a few weeks of your schedule! Many patients begin by going to the chiropractor once each week or two, then frequency may decrease to once a month, and so on depending on your response to the adjustments. However, here at ProActive, we tailor every part of our treatment plan to your particular ailments.

New patients to our office will meet one-on-one with Dr. Doug. There, he will evaluate the current state of your general wellness, and you’ll also receive a full chiropractic adjustment to get you headed in the right direction. Then, you will discuss the frequency of your adjustments based on your preferences and goals.

Myth #3: Chiropractors only adjust...they don’t provide any other treatments.

Spinal manipulation may be the most common association with chiropractors, but they can do so much more! For example, here at ProActive Health, Dr. Doug Patterson has expanded his practice to include functional medicine and science-based nutrition; we also offer low-level light laser therapy, a Zero Gravity chair and HydroMassage table, and so much more!

What is functional medicine?

Functional medicine treatment is fueled by two powerful principles: removing the underlying causes and restoring normal function to the body. In Dr. Doug’s words, “functional medicine is patient-focused and not disease-focused. By discovering and correcting the underlying causes of disease or dysfunction of the body, the body can return to a state of health and wellness.”

What is science based nutrition?

The Science Based Nutrition™ program is an innovative, science-based look at nutritional strengths and weaknesses through a comprehensive blood test and an in-depth analysis of your total system, offering a clear plan for your optimum health. The earlier you find a problem, the better the results you will have!

Myth #4: There’s no point in going to the chiropractor if you don’t have any back pain.

People can experience relief from a variety of ailments by going to the chiropractor on a regular basis, including but not limited to back pain. Some things people see a chiropractor for are:

  • Migraine or headache relief
  • Whiplash recovery
  • Joint pain relief
  • Pregnancy discomfort relief
  • Blood pressure regulation

And many more!

Myth #5: Chiropractic treatment isn’t effective, and going to the chiropractor “doesn’t really do anything.”

There are many holistic benefits to seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis. Visit our services list to see more of the treatment techniques we offer at ProActive Health!

We would love to help ease your mind about things you may have heard about going to the chiropractor. If you still have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We will be more than happy to assist you.

Visit us at ProActive Health today to “Align Your Spine, Realign Your Life!”

Ready to see a chiropractor, whether for the first time or as someone looking to visit a new chiropractic office? Dr. Doug Patterson at ProActive Health is the top choice in the Michiana area!

In 1993, Dr. Doug Patterson hurt his back and first sought the care of a Chiropractor. It was after this experience that he decided he wanted to help people himself by pursuing chiropractic. He is a 1997 graduate of the Life University College of Chiropractic in Marietta, Georgia and has been in practice now for 20+ years. Since then, Dr. Doug has expanded his field of practice to include functional medicine and science based nutrition. Schedule a visit with Dr. Doug at ProActive Health today!

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